As part of our loose commitment to a healthier lifestyle, M and I finally got around to using the tennis courts across from our apartment. We purchased our racquets (she pronounces them "rockets" even tough I try to correct her) earlier that evening. There are 8 courts with night lighting open to the public and only two were being used when we went over.
M had reservations about going. She had played badminton in highschool and liked it, but with the high winds lately I knew the birdie would fly away. Tennis seemed the next logical choice, especially with the courts only a clear 100m walk away, but the prospect of taking a tennis ball to the face was not appealing.
We played on one side of the court for a while. I hadn't played since middle school more than 10 years ago, but I picked it back up quickly. We moved to using the full court and the net after about half an hour. M is more comfortable (and proficient) at serving overhand, while I would serve underhand to make it easier for her to connect. We didn't play with traditional rules, of course, and simply tried to see how many times we could consecutively pass the ball between us. We quit sometime after dark and called it a success.
This morning she was rather stiff and I chuckled at her misfortune. She probably hasn't exercised so much in years if you don't count treadmills and visits to the pool. Karma bit me a little later that day, as I noticed my back and legs are starting to ache. I'll stretch out properly after I get home tonight.
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